Supplier Qualifications

Perfect overview of the best suppliers and prices
Enable purchasers to evaluate and negotiate with suppliers based on data and information.

Perfect overview of all your maritime suppliers and their performance

The Supplier Qualifications module enables purchasers to enter information about suppliers in SERTICA. Examples of such information include prior negotiations and evaluations, quotes, orders, and delivery process evaluations. This allows and supports supplier classification. It is possible to generate reminders automatically if a delivery is received late.

Based on the supplier classification, you can easily see which supplier is best. You can use the information entered in SERTICA in negotiation situations, since you can easily show the suppliers’ previous performance.

Key Features


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Activity Management

Advanced Analytics

Alert Engine


Approval Web App

Ballast Record Book


Carbon Intensity Indicator Reports 

Cargo Record Book

Central Data Management


CII Simulator

Crew Management

Crew Management Web App

Crew Portal Web App

Custom Reports

Data Collector

Data Synchronisation

Decarbonization Reports

Deck Record Book

Defect Reporting

Document Management

Dry Dock

Dynamic Dashboard