Unless you are working as a HSE, HSQE, HSEQ and HSSE Manager, you may have doubts about the difference between the acronyms.
The acronyms stand for
- HSE – health, safety and environment
- HSQE – Health, safety, quality and environment
- HSEQ – Health, safety, environment and quality
- HSSE – health, safety, security and environment
As you can see, the only difference is that HSE is not including quality and HSSE is including security instead of quality.
No matter which acronym you use in your organization, you need a Safety Management System to make sure that your activities do not cause harm to anyone.
Simplifying HSQE data
Download this webinar and learn how to simplify HSQE data in SERTICA
Using a Safety Management System is a way to comply with the rules and regulations of health, safety, quality and environment.
Managing health, safety, quality and environment in a Safety Management system you can work structured and documented with health, safety and quality to ensure a safe organization with minimal risk and zero injuries and accidents.
Furthermore, you ensure an environmentally responsible workplace, where you prevent damaging the environment.
Overall, it keeps your crew safe and happy and secures optimum work processes within your company.