We would like to invite all SERTICA customers to our User Group Meeting on October 3rd, 2023 hosted by DFDS in Copenhagen.
Join this fantastic networking opportunity and take advantage of the knowledge and best practices that will be shared.
8.30-9.00: Registration, Coffee & Networking
9.00-9.15: Welcome by Troels Møller
9.15-9.45: SERTICA Do’s and Don’ts by Rasmus Hansen
SERTICA admin insights
Optimize your use of SERTICA with shortcut keys and search
Working with the audit trail
09.45-10.30: SERTICA Integrations today and in the future by Rasmus Hansen
Best practices in data integration
Integrations in SERTICA today
Discussion about future integrations
10.30-10.45: Coffee & Networking
10.45-12.00: Application maturity and processes workshops by Troels Møller
Presentation of the module landscape and customer adoption heatmap
Group work discussing your organization’s processes inside and outside SERTICA
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.00: Best Practice on PO automation by Monika Lubzczyk, DFDS
The recent PO automation feature has been introduced at DFDS. Monika Lubszczyk will present their thoughts and ideas for PO automations followed by a plenum discussion on how the SERTICA family see this progress.
14.00-14.30: Demo SERTICA Punchout by Hans Jensen and Michael Weiss, Source2Sea
The SERTICA Punchout procurement module has just been released in cooperation with Source2Sea
We will demonstrate how it works and discuss the implications of punchout
14.30-15.00: Coffee & Networking
15.00-16.00: The extended SERTICA Family: Demo of new products by Alexander Schroder
SERTICA VRS (Vessel Reporting System)
SERTICA Performance
16.00-16.30: Wrap up by Troels Møller
Please note that the deadline for sign-up is Septemper 19, 2023.
Practical information
Date: Tuesday 3rd of October
Time: 08:30 – 16:30
Location: DFDS, Marmorvej 18, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Maximum number of participants: 80 (First come, first serve)
Attending is free of charge – including lunch and coffee
No online attendance
Contact persons
Troels Møller, RINA Digital Solutions (email: troels.moller@rina.org / phone: +45 2913 2483)
Hans Chr. Jensen, RINA Digital Solutions (email: hans.jensen@rina.org / phone: +45 2445 3438)