A faster and better overview

Now there is an end to paper, pens and deficiency reports in envelopes being sent around the internal postal system. With a single click, the watch at BIOFOS can electronically report deficiencies to the maintenance department around the clock. By doing so, they are ensured an easier, direct and more efficient work flow.

Northern Europe’s largest wastewater treatment plant Lynettefællesskabet – a part of BIOFOS – has its own incinerator as well as the treatment plants Lynetten and Damhusåen.

Here waste water from the eight municipalities of Frederiksberg, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Lyngby-Taarbæk and Rødovre is treated. This is the equivalent of a total area of around 123 km2. The two plants treat 75-100 million m3 of waste water from industry and households every year. This is the equivalent to the waste water from waste of 1.1 million people.

BIOFOS started using Logimatic’s maintenance solution in the final quarter of 2002 and has made running adjustments to the systems since it was installed.

Deficiency reports

BIOFOS has asked Logimatic to add an extra function to handle the many deficiency reports which come in all day long. In the past, when the watch observed an error at night, he had to fill in a document which was taken to the maintenance department via the internal post the next day. This could be quite cumbersome and was not always reliable due to the risk of the document disappearing en route. “Sometimes people in the maintenance department had to waste time fetching the envelopes in various places, now everything takes place electronically,” says Herbert Hansen, who is the operational manager for the maintenance department, which employs ten smiths, five electricians, five engineers, three semi-skilled workers, two warehouse employees, two apprentices and also engineering apprentices for periods.

If the watch notices a pump that is not working as it should, a leaky pipe or gasket or other operating problems over the course of the night, he fills out a form on the computer which goes directly to the maintenance department. One of the first things that the maintenance department does at the start of a working day is to get an overview of the error reports from the previous night and to prioritize repairs. “This way we get a much quicker overview of the situation,” says Herbert Hansen. The electronic handling of reports also ensures that the person on duty can see whether the reports that have been filed have been read and whether a reparation or replacement has been carried out. The registration also ensures that the maintenance department gets valuable historical data.

Now we have more control over deficiency history and a better basis for evaluating whether it is more economical to replace or repair a component,” says Herbert Hansen.

Time registration

In addition to deficiency reporting, BIOFOS has also taken part in developing another new feature of SERTICA – a feature that registers employees’ time usage on each task. “The purpose of this registration is solely to monitor how much time is used on the various maintenance tasks. This way we get a better overview and tools to evaluate whether it is best to repair a pump or whether it makes more economic sense to replace individual components,” says Herbert Hansen.

Electronic log

Logimatic has also developed an electronic log, which has replaced the handwritten log to register disruptions to operations. “This means that we are well prepared and can get an overview of the situation more quickly at our morning meeting. Everyone in the department can log on and view the status of all the maintenance jobs.” “With SERTICA​ and the new features that Logimatic have developed for us, we are certain that we have a maintenance solution which is sustainable and will make the work for our employees much more manageable,” says Herbert  Hansen.


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